Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Help in Geneology search for Myles Standish relative?

Does anyone out there know that you are related to Myles Stansish? He came over on the Mayflower and is in your Encyclopedia!! He's my great..great...great etc. Grandfather. I'm helping my Grandfather search for missing links in our family chain.

Help in Geneology search for Myles Standish relative?
Have you tried using I believe it was set up by the Mormons who FOR YEARS have been traveling the world filming identity records - birth, marriage, death, divorce, etc. They have a huge the world's largest microfilm archive in one of the big granite mountains around Salt Lake City. You can't go to the mountain but you can go to their resource building across the street from the Tabernacle building in Temple Square if you are nearby or want to make the trip. Or some of the local Church of Latter Day Saints have small microfilm libraries that you can use and even order microfilm from Salt Lake City. Also, if you are near a large city that has one, try a Federal Archives place. Chicago has one if you are near there. You might want to try contacting a genealogist. Sometimes you can find them in the yellow pages, but try or too. Even search the Internet for genealogists also. Doing genealogy is VERY time consuming and expensive. I've been working on my Dad's side for years. Also try

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