Friday, January 27, 2012

How Special are you?

If your parents hadn't bonded just when they did - possibly to the second, possibly to the nanosecond - you would't be here, and if their parents hadn't bonded in a precisely timely manner, you wouldn't be here either. And if their parents hadn't done likewise, and their parents before them, and so on, indefinitely, you wouln't be here.

Push backward through time and these ancestral debts begin to add up, go back just eight generations to about the time Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born, and already there are over 250 people on whose timely couplings your existence depends,. Continue further, to the time of Shakespeare and the Mayflower pilgrims, and you have no fewer than 16,384 ancesters at twenty generations ago, the number of people procreating on your behalf has risen to 1,048,576, five generations before that there are no fewer than 33,554,432 men and woman on whose devoted couplings your existance depends.

How Special are you?
not special at all - i was the result of a drunken fumbling between two people at a party and then given up for adoption.

Its all down to an accident of birth!
Reply:You're right, it's an awesome thought.
Reply:ok. i see you have done your research, haha, indeed i am very special.
Reply:With all those devoted couplings ...yet it was God who put 1egg +1sperm(chosen among millions ) and made me .....O Lord "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; you works are wonderful, I know that full well. my frame as not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me is written in your book , before one of them came to be. " -- Psalm 139:13-16
Reply:And the question was .....
Reply:my servant would tell you
Reply:Wow that's amazing to think...what I always think is, even if a bit horrible so maybe you should stop reading, is you as an egg in your mum, could have easily been killed like the rest every month...out of thousands of eggs, you were chosen! so yeah :) I don't think I'm special, just different like every one is-like not many people have my demented but fun sense of humour and my imagination lol :D
Reply:im as special as special could ever be !

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