Friday, January 27, 2012

Didja Know?

Did you know that:

* The 10 Commandments are on the floor of the National Archives building?

* A bronze statue of Moses is in the Library of Congress?

* In the Supreme Court, Moses stands at the center on the east portico as well as on a frieze inside the courtroom?

* The 10 Commandments are carved on the wooden doors leading to the Supreme Court?

* A marble face of Moses is placed directly opposite the Speaker's chair on the House of Representatives?

* In the rotunda of the Capitol, there is a depiction of the Mayflower? Within this depiction, the Bible is open on the chaplain's lap, and the pilgrim's motto, IN GOD WE TRUST, is plainly visible on the shop's sails?

Didja Know?
Wow, I didn't know all those things. I think that church and state should remain as one, how is was meant to be

So things are better left alone :)
Reply:Yes. I knew most of that. I support all of it.
Reply:no I did not thanks for telling me
Reply:So? Your point is?
Reply:Yes, I did know. What didja expect in a nation where intellectuality and science are either held in general contempt or considered suspect by a majority, where the Supreme Court is headed by 5 devout Catholics, where the chief executive has passed twice through the womb (and is himself the perfect argument against "intelligent design")??
Reply:And what's your point with all of this? Enforced Christianity? Sounds fun.
Reply:that's to scare the foreign diplomats
Reply:So it appears, based on your evidence, that the US ought to be a Jewish nation. You have found lots of images of Moses and the Tablets of the Law, but not many images of Jesus or Peter or Paul.
Reply:did you know that jesus was gay?
Reply:...something cool %26amp; interesting to know.
Reply:And your point is?
Reply:No i didnt but then.. i dont care coz i'm not christian.. one thing though.. why would the put the 10 commandment on the floor? religion is something holy, it shoudlnt be put beneath peoples feet even though i dont beleive in christianity, i'm a muslim..but still..
Reply:Yes I knew that...but they forgot to add one last comment in all those things...

they should have put in there somewhere, the following text

"yes, in God we Trust, and we know that if we mess up we are going to be destroyed like Sodoma and Gomorrah was a long time lets hope is looking elsewhere so he doesnt send us the plagues to our country!"
Reply:Good point, Will, I always though that we were a Jewish nation.
Reply:I knew some of them, but not all. Can I get the ten points?
Reply:Yep...I do know those things.
Reply:No,I did not know that. Thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to my attention.
Reply:yea i knew that sents i was 10 monthes


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