Friday, January 27, 2012

History america help?

1.the survival of the jamestown colony can be most directly attributed to he

a.religious spirir of the settler

b,management of the virginia company

c.development of a tobacco industr

d.location of the sttlement

e.nobles diligent search for gold

2.At the beginning of the 17th century,all of the following factors seved to increase the english role in america EXCEPT

a.defeat of spanish armanda

b.population growth

c.royal leadership

d.developmet of joint stock companis

e.emigration for religiou reasons

3.which of the following sources would be most useful in studying the development of democratic institutions in the early colonial perd?

a.the edict of nantes

b.the first charter of the virginia company

c.columbus journals

d.the treaty of tordesillas

e.the mayflower compact

History america help?
#1 is probably "B" though having a cash crop did help eventually make Virginia a going concern

#2 is a good question. I'd pick "C" as the least helpful

#3 My choice is E.


Reply:1. C

2. Either C or D. Most of the leaders in England at the time cared really little for the colony. Land was given away and the people mostly got to govern themselves. The joint stock companies did help found the new world in the beginning to help share the blow if a colony failed... I would go with C.

3. I pretty sure it's E

"the Pilgrims also knew that the English settlement founded a few years earlier at Jamestown in Virginia had practically foundered because of the lack of a strong government and leadership. They would not make that mistake, and agreed that once a government had been established, they would obey the commands of its leaders"


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