Friday, February 3, 2012

Are we a christian nation?

several candidates seem to think so.

Even though:

-Under God was added to the pledge of alleigence in 1954

-In God We Trust was added to the coin and made our national motto in the late 1800's

-Most of our founding fathers were agnostic or deists

-God is not mentioned in the constitution

-All of our founding fathers favored seperation of church and state... and were for freedom of religion (read the first ammendment and Jefferson's writings on it)

-The fundamentalists point out the Mayflower landing and the pilgrims as the founders of our christian nation... in reality the puritans burned witches and killed innocent indians, they had no say in the founding of our country in 1776-1789.

In fact most Puritans were on the side of the Brittish

-They also point out that most Americans are Christian... most are white and catholic as well (so are we a white catholic nation?)

So I ask you, are we a christian nation?

Or should our TRUE founding values be "live and let live"?

Are we a christian nation?
A few key point here.

1 - "Stop Ranting" like many Christian like to site the Declaration of Independence. Our nation is NOT defined or governed by the declaration of independence, but rather by the Constitution. Those serving in the U.S. Military do not swear to defend the Declaration of Independence, they swear to defend the Constriction of the united States. People do not object to laws based on the Declaration of Independence nor do people specialize in Declaration Law. We hold our laws to be constitutionally sound and we have people that specialize in Constitutional law.

Furthermore, despite the use of 'god' in the declaration, the declaration states, "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," which is contrary to the biblical concept of rule by divine authority. It deals with laws, taxation, representation, war, immigration, and so on, never discussing religion at all. Also, The references to "Nature's God," "Creator," and "Divine Providence" in the Declaration do not endorse Christianity. Thomas Jefferson, its author, was a Deist, opposed to orthodox Christianity and the supernatural.

The U.S. Constitution is a secular document. It begins, "We the people," and contains no mention of "God" or "Christianity." Its only references to religion are exclusionary, such as, "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust" (Art. VI), and "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (First Amendment). Even the presidential oath of office, the only oath detailed in the Constitution, does not contain the phrase "so help me God" or any requirement to swear on a bible (Art. II, Sec. 1, Clause 8). This has been added by those being sworn in because they feel it is appropriate...for them. If we are a Christian nation, why doesn't our Constitution say so?

Of course, the best argument and one of my favorites, being a Marine, deals with a 1797 treaty with Tripoli. The Tripoli government had concerns about signing a treaty with a nation founded on Christianity. In response to these concerns, a declaration was made within the treaty that, "the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." This reassurance to Islam was written under Washington's presidency, and approved by the Senate under John Adams. (Our founding fathers!) Hmmmm.... And yet, these people want you to believe that the U.S. is a Christian Nation?

"kill_yr_television" is correct that being a nation that is a majority Christian does not make the nation a Christian Nation. If it did, then the U.S. would actually be:

- a Catholic Nation - as the most practiced religion in the U.S. is Roman Catholicism

- a White Nation - As most people in the U.S. are White.

- a Female Nation - As there are more woman then men.

- an English Nation - As there are more people that speak English then any other language (For Now)

We may be a nation with a majority of White female Catholic English speakers but we are not White Catholic Female English Nation.

"Just my opinion" thinks we use to be a Christian Nation, but as I already pointed out, we never were and never can be... Not an be the Untied States of America.

"Cajunbiggeorge" is correct that many of the original colonies founding papers clearly reference Christianity, but once the Constitution was drafted and agreed to, those papers became moot. The assertion that "Our country, and our laws, are based on Christian principles." Is not entirely untrue. The founding fathers were all either Christian or were raised Christian and 'left the flock' later on. Most of what they deemed to be morally correct was derived from their up bringing. (It's not like they could turn on the TV, radio or surf the web and be exposed to other cultures, ideas and beliefs. It's not like they had access to a massive library either. So, yes, much of the underlying principals of our nation were founded on Christian ideology...except for the notion that ALL people are equal and that the rule of the people should be by the people. If you read the bible, this is in contradiction to the principals of the Abrahamic faiths, to which Christianity belongs. After all, II John 10-11, "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." So, if this were a CHRISTIAN Nation, then all those that are not Christian would not be welcomed here.

I rest my case!

Reply:christainity is just a faith

i believe in humanity

we are humans and thats all it matter
Reply:No, but a lot of people claims to be , like one running for President, hes running but he will never catch up, poor thing , but isn't he cute, cute as a chimp.
Reply:We arent and at the same time we are. Yes there is the separation of church and state... however, the founding fathers looked to separate themselves from the church of england but still sought to have religion. The separation of church and state is meant to give churches the power to controll themselves, not to eliminate religion. Those on the mayflower likely did not leave after their witch burnings, and probably had a great deal to do with the founding of the country. Catholics are christians.

This is a dumb question and your facts are unfounded.

Our values should be "shut up and stop whining"
Reply:Although Christians are the largest religious group in this country, we are not really a Christian nation! Most people with some Christian religion like to think that we are %26amp; say that we are but, there are so many different religions in this country, that we can't honestly say that we are an all Christian country! We basically are a nation of live %26amp; let live, as the Constitution pointed out when it was written! Perhaps some of you should read the Constitution, our founding Fathers were mostly non-Christian; the only mention of anything nearing the word God in the Constitution are the words "Divine Nature"!
Reply:Being a nation in which most of the people self-identify as Christians is a very different thing from being a Christian nation. We are most certainly NOT a Christian nation in the sense that UAE is a Muslim nation. Neither Bible nor any church's dogma has force of law. We are a secular state. Freedom of religion is possible ONLY in a secular state, that is in a state in which government may not "take sides" in matters of faith.

Jon P says "our country was founded by people who were relentlessly religiously persecuted" and I'm not sure what people he's talking about. Jon, if you are talking the Puritans they didn't come here to get away from intolerance and establish a tolerant society -- they came here to get away from the religiously tolerant society of secular England and establish an intolerant, theocratic society. If I'm missing or misunderstanding something, please enlighten me.

Sarah has been taken in by the pervasive misconception that "we were founded on christian beliefs" while our legal system is based on HUMAN REASON, not on religious beliefs at all. The Founders believed that our laws should be based on protection of individual rights. Theivery is illegal because it infringes on your right to be secure in your property, not because it's displeasing to the Christian God. Consider that adultry and bowing down to graven images are also forbidden in the same 10 Bible verses, yet there are no legal penalties for these.

Just my ... anytime you want to discuss the finer points of using tax dollars to promote, support, or endorce religious beliefs feel free to eMail or IM.
Reply:First of all, most of our Founding Fathers were Christian (see most of the original colonies founding papers clearly reference Christianity and Christ. Because of religious persecution, the separation of Church and State was put into the constitution.

Our country, and our laws, are based on Christian principles.
Reply:"god" doesn't necessarily mean jesus
Reply:We claim to be a christian nation, but in truth we are not. Just look at the people around us. The whole country is crazy. Everyone is out for their own pleasure, their own needs and wants. We are so materialistic. I don't see anywhere where we are a real christian nation. And I'm not talking about how the church preaches christianity, or morals, I am talking about following God and what he wants for us in our lives.
Reply:One among many nations which still exist in The United States. United States and United Nations actually has a very good ring to it. United States is more than a Christian Nation it is nation of many beliefs. The United States actually is one nation under U.N. law not under God. Were The U.N. made strong by citizens it would be so in truth for the reason if acceptable to the previous nations the previous would then take active part in making The United Nations live up to name. United Nations exists now though did not then. Iriquois Confederation and such did so saying would be good contributers to strong United Nations. South Americans as well. U.S.A. is more than one nation has responsibilities to more than one nation. Live and let Live sounds good. Even better let live and learn . Neo Paganists have much in common with preceding nations and Environmentalists.
Reply:Our country was based on Christian ideals. Our founding fathers were Christians. Since we separate church and state, this is not a "Christian Nation." People can believe what ever they want!
Reply:Not any more. We used to be. Now we are a nation of heathens who want God to bless America but don't want to acknowledge him in any way. We have taken him out of schools, out of Christmas, public places, talking about taking In God we Trust off the money and taking under God out of the Pledge and we have almost taken him out of churches.
Reply:our country was founded by people who were relentlessly religiously persecuted. Although I am tight with Jesus(Yeah, I know) and I think it would be a good thing to be a Christian nation, it is not.
Reply:"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

---God. In the first sentence of the first important document of this nation, the Declaration of Independence.

Our founding fathers opened meetings with a Christian prayer.... hmmmmm.

No, we are not a Christian nation, but we are founded on Christian principles. "Live and let live" would allow child molestation, rape, theft, ETC.

NOTE: I notice you make several references as to where "God" was added later yet you ignore that God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, the document that enumerates the reasons we separated from England and wrote the constitution. You also intentionally ignore that the constitution refers to a Deity.

Our founding fathers were both mostly religious and most definitely far more moral than Americans are today. The "wall of separation between church and state" mentioned by Thomas Jefferson in a letter was referring to the states inability to interfere with religion, NOT at all inferring that religion has no place or influence in state affairs.
Reply:We are a christian nation, which i find unfortunate. It's not just that I'm not christian, but i believe in seperation of church and state. It is important, especially in America "the land of the free", that not every citizen has to abide to one religion. We are a democratic country with free religion, not a religous country with one that everyone must abide by. Our country may be 60% christian, but think about the other 40%. We don't to follow christian religous law, nor do some non or little-practicing Christians. Religion is the fuel of our debates on abortion, same sex marrige, exctera, and it shouldn't be. This country says it is a free, non-religious nation, and it should live up to that. I do love our country, I just think seperation of chruch and state could be improved.
Reply:yes, we are. we were founded on christian beliefs, and even though a lot of people aren't, we are rooted in those values if we like it or not.
Reply:I believe in Seperation of Church, and State. How do you know what, or who they believed in?'re saying that Ben Franklin, and the boy's only believed in themselves? You know the first settlers came through up North, and originated not on the Mayflower. As well as, Jamestown. If we weren't then...WE are now....I was born in 1969. Not 1639. I will say that all of our First Documents were written, and based from Christian Nations. Our Constitution was practically copied from Connecticut's. I think I just gave your more facts than you already knew!! Good question!!!!

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