Sunday, February 5, 2012

What do you feel about this letter? agree or disagree?

The United States Of America

One Nation Under God

If this nation was founded on Christianity then why is everyone against it, trying to take away our rights to serve our Lord. The only reason the 102 people that came here on the mayflower was to have a free country were they can serve God freely, they left England for that reason and that reason only. FREEDOM does not mean freedom to do what you want it simply means freedom to serve God and what his word says. So if you are not willing to serve him then leave this country its not free for you unless you are willing to serve him, everyone is destroying what those 102 people traveled here not long ago to do. So again I say LEAVE go start your own pagan country and be a homosexual or kill innocent babies that haven’t had a chance to live like you have. Go serve your false gods or no gods if you believe there is none, but this is Gods nation for his people. But I do say God is a forgiving God and he loves everyone as equals but if you are going to take away are country, free to serve the lord then just go find your own country and stop taking over ours. It makes me sick how everyone has forgotten what freedom is. And again I mention the 102 people that came here to get away from not being able to serve there lord they started this country not to be free to have sex with a male if you’re a male or a woman if you’re a woman or to murder Gods unborn children or to keep murderers alive instead of punishing them as it says in the word of God. And God will forgive them if they only ask but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t pay for what they did to an innocent person that did them no harm. So all I’m saying is if you don’t agree with what I’m saying you shouldn’t live here in this country even though I just wish everyone understood where I’m coming from and everyone could just live here and serve the lord together like it was meant to be but that just sounds to perfect and everyone isn’t just going to listen to me and what I say, so please just go away and leave us alone in our country. My biggest fear is that the generations under me are going to be overcome with this sin of the world and God is just going to be eventually lost to this country that of which our ancestors fought for not so long ago they did it so we could live in a great country that of which is completely different from any other the country where we are free and we can serve God. This nation is simply NOT meant to be a free country to every individual and there own beliefs but to his children who believe in what he say’s. I don’t see why you want to live here and continue to fight with us about what is right or wrong or what is freedom because the point is, is you know history and you know how this nation was founded its all facts I am saying, so if you refuse to believe it then go and do what those 102 people did go find your own country to make your nation of what you believe because this one is ours not yours to destroy. Today I found out this guy from Texas came to one of our county commissioner meetings and a guy prayed at the end of the meeting and said “in Jesus name” and the man from Texas got offended and is trying to sue him and is trying to pass a law where they should be able to teach homosexual sex education in our public schools. See that kind of stuff is what I’m talking about they already took praying out of schools and now there trying to teach our children about being a homosexual, you know what I don’t think so if you want to teach your kids about stuff like that then go find your own country and have your own schools teaching whatever you want but stop ignoring the fact that, that is not what this country is for this country is for God. God meant for a man and woman to be together its obvious any idiot can see that do I really need to explain, how else would you be here today you sure didn’t come from two men or two women and yes I know the argument is that “well if two people our in love it doesn’t matter what sex you are” well your wrong it does. And yes I love women I love my mother and all my sisters and friends but it is a different love than that of which I will share with my husband someday I love them as sisters in Christ not as a lover. God made you with certain parts that of which fit together perfectly if it were meant to be any other way he would of made you a man and a woman then that would mean what sex you are doesn’t matter but he did not make us that way so therefore that means that it is not meant to be that way. Many gay rights activist think we have hatred against them but that is simply not true we are just saying we disagree with it because it is not what we believe in and what those of whom founded this country believed in. we our not against love we our against using love in the wrong way in a way it was never intended to be used in. And if you are for love then why must you kill babies that never did anything wrong she had her fun, now let her pay for it. If you have sex, you should expect to get pregnant and pay the consequences. Teenagers have forgotten how to say “no.” Making contraceptives and abortion available only encourages them to have sex. Pro-life is pro-family. Pro-abortionist are anti-family. Abortion destroys the American family. So in conclusion of my letter I repeat once again if you are against what the united state’s of America was founded on then find a new land where you can have freedom there because this is not the land of which you can continue to change to your liking because if you continue to change this country there will be nothing left of what it was and what it should be. If it continues on the way everyone is making it, it will be no longer free for anyone so just stop making this place we call home something its not and just leave it be as it should be and get your own country.



What do you feel about this letter? agree or disagree?
I disagree with your letter.

EDIT: "Christians" did not discover America.
Reply:It's very long, rambling, boring, repetitive and written by someone without an education.

Does this woman even consider that the Christian religions themselves can't even decide on a set of values. She thinks anyone who doesn't agree with HER interpretation of the bible should go live somewhere else. That's just ridiculous.

And I'm not an American so correct me if I'm wrong but I thought your nation was formed when the Declaration of Independence was written. Which I believe contained things like freedom of religion, liberty, pursuit of happiness and generally being allowed to make your own decisions.

I also thought America was formed because England wouldn't allow the colonies to establish their own systems of commerce, imposed unfair taxes, wouldn't allow elections or independent lawmaking, brought British armies into the country and didn't have a fair justice system. Nothing to do with wanting to start up some sort of unchallenged theocracy where the ruling priests can bring in any law that suits their agenda.

One of the good things about the US is you are pretty much free to make your own decisions and live by your own values. This doesn't impose on Sincerely Anonymous because she has every right under American laws to not have an abortion, not have lesbian sex with other women and openly support the death penalty. She is allowed to live by her values, attend her church, marry the person of her choice, campaign for her political beliefs, and write silly letters saying anyone who doesn't agree with her needs to leave the country. I don't know what she's complaining about.
Reply:...I think its too long.
Reply:sorry, i stopped somewhere between Anonymous's b!tching and bigotry. anywho, i'm christian, pro-choice, also bisexual, so i dont agree with this letter
Reply:Wow, had I known your post would be this exciting I would have made some popcorn.
Reply:To be honest this is fairly typical of Christian rehtoric. 'We founded a country therefore we have the right to dictate to others.' Let me correct a few errors here. First of all the Mayflower was colonists ie people who lived on an existing non Christian culture's land. They not only took this over, but did so through violence, death and destruction. Second the people that shaped America - how Christian were they? There were slaves and people from all over the world who make up what it is to be truly American. So, in brief it is the height of arrogance and ignorance to assume that Chrisitanity is the be all and end all of any culture
Reply:I am a Christian, but I have to say...that was way too long to get your point across so you lost me half way through, and then you signed it anonymous?? What's that? Sorry, don't mean to be so harsh but you landed us a big blow here.
Reply:I'd say this person really has no idea what freedom and justice for all really means. It did give me a good laugh, though.

Stupidity is clearly advocated by the majority - another reason I'm glad to not be a part of it.
Reply:Whomever wrote that diatribe is wrong from the word "go", and it avalanches from there. Here's how to debunk their false notion of history, search for these names, Roger Williams, and Anne Hutchinson. The lives of these co-founders of Rhode Island will completely undercut her premise, and show up the pilgrims for what they really were, not the idealized fantasy we were taught in elementary school.

Follow this research up with the 9th and 14th amendments to the constitution which extend personal privacy rights to each citizen, and you'll soon realize that writer is deluded with specious arguments. But anyone who grows up LGBT doesn't need me to tell them that.
Reply:Freedom of religion also means you are free to NOT be Christian if you don't want to. Once you learn to live with people's different beliefs and opinions, you'll see that not all people are out there to destroy Christianity, but are just trying to live life the way they see as best
Reply:The U.S. is just in its own internal political war. They've happened countless times over the centuries. One thing always stays the same: nations change. Western Europe used to be a bunch of feudal territories ruled by monarchies. Now it's a bunch of unified socialist countries. What's now the U.S. used to be occupied by the Native Americans. From Ireland all the way to Turkey was once ruled by the Celtic Pagan people. Sure the "pure ones" may have murdered a bunch of people and stole their land, but it looks like they're at the end of their rule in this nation. Either they hand it over nicely to a shared rule by all present people or Asian and European economies/countries will use whatever necessary force to remove them from office.
Reply:Interesting, but the 102 from the Mayflower didn't found the country. All they did was move to the "new land" to practice as they saw fit. Whatever delusions of grandeur they may or may not have had, they didn't build this nation. That came long after they did, and by the hand of other folks. Their claim to fame is simply being among the first Europeans to establish a lasting settlement America - after all, this land was already occupied prior to their arrival, by non-Christians, and was likely visited much earlier by non-Christian Europeans (Vikings). So, the Mayflower thing isn't really too much to crow about.

If you want to have a Christian-only country, that's fine - but that's not here. This country is already founded, already running, and the laws don't encode Christianity into the foundations. So, if there's so much available land in which to create a new country to suit one's desires - feel free to do so. Just live this one as is, which is to say, free for folks to believe whatever the heck they want.
Reply:this is not a christian nation. get over it. no one is saying you can't worship your god. however, you have no right forcing your beliefs on others.
Reply:How ironic that this anonymous person cites the Pilgrims as evidence that everyone in this country should believe in God, when the Pilgrims were fleeing precisely because they DIDN'T want to practice their beliefs the way the English monarchy wanted them to.

Iran has the same kind of thing you know, a THEOCRACY.

"You're free to do whatever you want as long as you believe in God, etc."...yeah, that's really freedom all right. What a joke.

Whoever wrote this is a complete knuckledragging imbecile.
Reply:I agree!
Reply:I see your point but sorry hun I dont agree.

You can think that if you like, no one is blind and stupid and cant make sence that a man and a woman are meant for eachother BUT than a lot of things that are "meant to be" in a certain way, arent always like that. For example, you were meant to live a happy life, God intentions were for everyone to be happy, get along and do all the things that are set in this life time but is it like that really for everyone? Why are some people so rich and some people can barely have one meal a day? Why is their so many differences between people? Why is this world so man-made, filled with technology if we were just meant to live "natural" lives as God intended? It's fine to belive in God, the word God is a word to describe a greater power that we belive exists, we are no 100% sure or will we ever be because i belive God will never come in contact with anyone on this planet physically, therefore I have my doubts that Jesus ever came down to earth. That story could be an old wives tale, just as The Vampire story is and many other that people overtime make up and twist little incidident into different things to make themselves more interesting. I think you should look into other theories that make more sence to the REALITY that we live in and that this world is not perfect! The reality is that not everyone is straight and not everyone is gay. Not everyone is white and not everyone is black. Not everyone is skinny and not everyone is fat. Not everyone can reproduce and not everyone cant. Not everyone is beautiful and not everyone is ugly. Perfect BALANCE, the world is at its perfect BALANCE which makes this world not so perfect. But that balance has to exist to keep to world going, so just accept it that there is homosexual people out there and there always will be, and to teach homosexualiy in school isnt a BAD idea, since in every school there would be about 10% that would be gay, so why make their life mizrable and feel like they dont belong and have such high suicide rates. When they teach about homosexuality, they dont have to necessarliy ENCOURAGE it but just to say that a person can be like that and if they are, its ok, dont go kill yourself over it. The best thing you can teach a person is to BE THEMSELVES and not everyone is gay and not everyone will be in the future so dont worry they wont all turn gay.

As for freedom, freedom means to be free to do the things you love, not to serve an imagenry being who your not sure exists and go against your own will and not do what makes you happy. Most if not all religions are man-made in this world, no one knows God's plan nor will you ever, you just have to go with whats right for you and live.

Hope you can re-think your beliefs and face reality rather then living in a imagenry perfect world.

All the best to you.
Reply:You say that this land is for the freedom to serve God, but the " BILL OF RIGHTS" states that I have " Freedom of Speech" and " Freedom of Religion". Oh and by the way when those 102 people on the Mayflower and all the other settlers came over they took the " FREEDOM " of my people away and put them on reservations. Now you want to talk about going some were else and stating your own country then you need to go, THIS WAS OUR LAND FIRST AND WE WERE FREE!!!!!!!!!!

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